By Sen.Waylon Brown
Iowa Senate District 26
During my time in the Iowa legislature I have met officials from across our state. I know people who remind me of the DC swamp and politicians who are only looking out for their own best interest.
However, one state senator who truly embodies what it means to be a public servant is Sen. Randy Feenstra.
Sen. Randy Feenstra served as the Chair of Ways and Means during the most productive legislative session in Iowa’s history.
Feenstra was the architect behind Iowa’s largest tax cut and wrote the Truth in Taxation legislation in 2019 which brings transparency to local government and puts property owners back in the driver’s seat of their tax dollars. Feenstra eliminated the grain bin tax and supported assistance to beginning farmers.
This past January, Randy Feenstra announced his campaign for Congress in the Fourth District Republican primary against Steve King.
I am proud to be the first legisla-tor who endorsed Feenstra. Feenstra is pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and pro-liberty.
The Fourth District deserves an effective conservative with a proven track record of getting stuff done. That candidate is Randy Feenstra.